Official Dragon Dice FAQ and Rules Clarifications (C)1996 TSR, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Permission to copy and distribute the information contained in this document is granted as long as this header is included. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The information contained in this document should be taken as an extension of the rules booklet contained in the Dragon Dice boxed set. Its purpose is to supplement the rules booklet by clarifying the most confusing parts of the game. This document will be updated on a regular basis as new questions are asked and new rules clarifications are necessary. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Part Four - Amazons, Monsters, and Monster Special Action Icons (v. 0.96) Note that this FAQ is a prerelease. We are asking that all interested players examine it, and make suggestions concerning rules that were not discussed. *** AMAZONS Maneuvers as Missiles "The Amazons count maneuver icons as missile results when making a missile attack in the flatland. (Remember, missile attacks can target an army at the same terrain, or an adjacent one, as defined in the Rules Book.)" -Kicker Pack 1. A) The special racial bonus only takes effect when the acting Amazon army (the firing army) is in Flatland (blue-gold) terrain. B) Transmute Rock to Mud and Wall of Fog can, by reducing the maneuver rolls, reduce the amount of missile results generated. C) The effect of Wind Walk does NOT add additional missile results. D) The effect of Doubling Maneuvers via the Eighth Face is cumulative, generating additional missile hits. Amazonian Magic "The Amazons can cast magic based on the colors of the terrain they're in. (This means that an Amazon in coastland can cast both blue and green magic, for example.) They can double those magic results only when in possession of a terrain with standing stones." -Kicker Pack 1 A) Amazons CAN NOT cast magic from reserves. B) It is impossible for Amazon units to cast black (death) magic. C) Amazons are a direct exception to the Terrain Advantage rule in the Rules Book. Despite that they cast magic matching a terrain's color, this magic does NOT double, unless the Amazons are in the possession of a standing stones. D) To double magic, Amazons must control the terrain (possess the Eighth Face) at which the Standing Stones are present. Amazons in Reserves "When in the reserve area, Amazons may use missile fire to attack targets at their owner's home terrain or the frontier die. When Amazons are part of a multiracial army in reserve, their missile results are counted when the other units roll for magic." -Kicker Pack 1 A) Amazons CAN NOT cast magic from reserves. B) Maneuver rolls do NOT count as missile results in the reserve, regardless of whether the Amazon home terrain die is a Flatland or not. C) When an multiracial army with Amazons takes an action in the reserves, only one roll is made. Amazon units generate missile results, which can be applied to strike an army at their home or at the frontier. Simultaneously, other units generate magic results. D) Only one army can be targeted from the missile reserve fire, just as a normal missile action. E) When an army containing Amazon units takes an action from reserves, they must indicate which army will be the target of missile fire before the units are rolled, just as during a normal missile action. *** MONSTERS General Rules A) Monsters are worth 4 health each. B) The ID icon of a monster counts as four points of effect of whatever is currently being rolled for. C) Each normal icon on a monster unit counts as four point of effect. EXAMPLE: A single maneuver icon counts as 4 points of maneuver. A single melee icon counts as 4 points of damage, etc. D) Special racial abilities apply to normal monster icons (and special action icons, see below). Each monster has the special racial abilities of its race. EXAMPLE: Umber Hulks are Dwarven monsters. If a Umber Hulk rolls a maneuver in the Highland, the result is doubled. EXAMPLE: Coral Giants are Coral Elf monsters. If a Coral Giant is rolling for saves and rolls a maneuver in the Coastland, the results do count as saves. EXAMPLE: Centaurs are Amazon monsters. If a Centaur is rolling during a missile action in the Flatland and rolls a maneuver, the results count as missile hits. Sprite Swarm A) The ID icon of the Sprite Swarm counts as four points of effect and the die is rerolled, adding that effect as well. Continue to reroll until the ID icon is not indicated. B) If the result of a second (or third, etc. if multiple ID icons are rolled) roll is not relevent (i.e, a magic icon is rolled during a missile action), ignore it. C) Each ID icon rolled counts as one ID icon for the purposes of Routing. *** MONSTER SPECIAL ACTION ICONS General Rules A) When the term "during melee" is used, it is intended to indicate an effect that occurs only during (A) a skirmish attack, (B) a skirmish counter-attack, or (C) a charge roll by attacker or defender. Unless otherwise noted, the effect does NOT occur during a save roll, B) When the term "during missile" is used, it is intended to indicate an effect that occurs only during a missile attack of the attacking army. Unless otherwise noted, the effect does NOT occur during a save roll. C) When the terms "opposing army," "opposing units," or "enemy units" are used, it indicates that the effect MUST be targeted on the enemy army which has already been targeted in the melee or missile action. EXAMPLE: Army A skirmishes Army B, and rolls a Entangle special action icon. The Entangle must affect units in Army B, even if there were another army present at the terrain. D) Unless otherwise noted, monster special action icons obey the rules of special actions laid out in FAQ 1. In short, these are: 1) Unaffected by spells 2) Bonuses due to terrain (special racial bonuses and Eighth Face bonuses) apply. Note this applies directly to Rends, Tramples, and Flies. None of the new monster special action icons benefit from special racial bonuses. Regenerate is the only new special action icon which can benefit from the Eighth Face. 3) Resolved first Notes on individual monster special action icons follow. Charm: During melee, this effect forces four health of opposing units (your choice) to add their rolls to your side of the conflict. A) The affected unit(s) must be in the army already targeted during the melee action. B) The affected unit(s) return to their owner's control immediately after the current roll. C) During a skirmish attack or counterattack, the affected units are chosen BEFORE the roll for saves is made. D) During a charge, the affected units are indeed chosen after the results are seen. (This does not violate the principle that dice once rolled cannot be voided. The affected unit's results are not voided or affected; they change sides). E) Charmed units can be cbosen as casualties by their owner, but their results are still added to the side of the charming monster. E) During a dragon attack, Charm has no effect. Confuse: During a melee or missile combat, after your opponent rolls, choose four health of his units and force them to reroll. A) This is a special case that DOES violate the principle that dice once rolled cannot be voided. B) During a dragon attack, Confuse has no effect. Dispel Magic: When one or more spells target an army containing this unit or the terrain the unit occupies, you may roll this unit to resist. If the dispel face comes up, the spells have no effect. A) The dispel face itself must roll up to nullify magic; ID icons do NOT count in this instance. B) If an individual unit with a dispel face is targeted by a spell, it may attempt to nullify the effect. EXAMPLE: A Gargoyle is targeted by a Lightning Strike. First, the Gargoyle may roll a dispel attempt to nullify the spell. If this roll fails, a second roll is made to determine if the Gargoyle saves (and this time, ID icons do count). C) If multiple spells are targeted on the army, its terrains, or its units, any single Dispel Magic face nullifies all spells. EXAMPLE: An army with Three Gargoyles is targeted by Hailstorms, Ash Storms, and a Summon Dragon. The three Gargoyles roll. Should a Dispel Face come up on any of the three units, all of the spells are nullified. EXAMPLE: The Three Gargoyles at a terrain are all targeted by a Lightning Strike. If any of the Gargoyles roll a Dispel Magic face, all Lightning Strikes are nullified. If only two of the Gargoyles had been targeted, only those two would have rolled to dispel. Only units bearing a dispel icon which are targeted by the unit-targeting spell may roll to disple. If, instead of targeting the Gargoyles, other units had been targeted by the Lightning Strikes, the Gargoyles would not roll. D) Only one Dispel attempt may be attempted per volley of magic. EXAMPLE: A Gargoyle is targeted by 3 Lightning Strikes. It makes only one roll to dispel. If the dispel succeeds, all of the Lightning Strikes are nullified. If the dispel fails, the Gargoyle must roll three successful saves in order to survive. EXAMPLE: The Three Gargoyles together at a terrain are struck by Hailstorms and Lightning Strikes. They make one roll to dispel. If it succeeds, both the Lightning Strikes and Hailstorms are nullified. If not, individual saves are necessary against the Lightning Strikes and a group save is necessary against the Hailstorms (note that since magic is simultaneous, units killed by Lightning still roll in the group save against the Hailstorms). E) It is the option of the owner of the monster whether to attempt to dispel; he may allow the spell's or spells' effect to occur normally. F) Dispel icons do not count as magic for any purposes (including tournament construction rules). G) During a dragon attack, Dispel Magic has no effect. (When the dragon is first summoned, however, a Dispel Magic would have the effect of countering the Summon. The dragon is returned whence it came, whether a player's dead area or a terrain). Double Strike: During melee, hit for four points and then reroll this unit and count the new result as well. A) Continue to reroll until a Double Strike is not indicated, adding all results together. B) Roll all double strikes first, then include the damage rolled with the normal damage total. C) During a dragon attack, the Double Strike hits count against the dragon, and reroll as normal. Entangle: When rolled during melee, four health of your choice of units in the opposing army are paralyzed (cannot make any further rolls) until the beginning of your next turn. Killing the monster negates this effect. A) The affected unit(s) must be in the army already targeted during the melee action. B) If an entire army is paralyzed, the army cannot make any rolls (maneuvers, actions, saves), but it may take actions which do not require rolls (unopposed maneuvers, retreats to reserves). C) Entangle prevents units from making any further rolls. Rolls already made (such as those during a charge) by Entangled units still apply their results. D) If, during an normal action, a special action icon is rolled which kills the Entangling monster (Cantrip, Bullseye, or even Smite), the Entangled unit(s) may immediately be rolled and are counted in the current roll. E) During a dragon attack, Entangle has no effect. Ferry: Immediately move this monster to another terrain, if desired. It may stay there or immediately return with four health of six-sided units. A) Ferry is effective during any action--including melee, magic, missiles, and saves--but not during a maneuver roll. B) Up to four health worth of six-sided units can be Ferried (it is permissible to Ferry less health.) C) Troops moved through the use of this power are immediately rolled and counted toward the totals of the current roll. The monster is not rerolled. D) During a dragon attack, the Ferry performs normally. Flame: During melee, kill and bury one unit of two health or less, with no save possible. A) The owner of the monster selects which unit to kill and bury. B) The affected unit must be in the army already targeted during the melee action. C) Open Grave DOES save Flamed units; affected units go to the Reserves as normal. D) During a dragon attack, Flame has no effect. Illusion: During melee, choose four health worth of the enemy units to be attacked by the rest of their army. A) The attack on the enemy units by the rest of the army is resolved in a seperate roll after the current round of melee is resolved. This is an exception to the "Resolved First" rule of special action icons. After the dead are removed from the current melee, the caster of the illusion selects his four health of units to be attacked by the rest of their army. B) The affected four health worth of units DO NOT counterattack against their own army. They do, however, have the chance to roll saves against the damage caused by "friendly fire." C) During a dragon attack, Illusion has no effect. Kick: During melee, inflict four damage on a unit of your choice. A) The affected unit must be in the army already targeted during the melee action. B) The target unit may roll saves. C) Kick does not count as maneuvers. D) During a dragon attack, Kick counts as four normal melee hits against the dragon. Poison: During melee, choose four health of opposing units to save or be killed. Any that are killed must save again or be buried. A) The affected unit(s) must be in the army already targeted during the melee action. B) If killed, the affected units roll a second, seperate save to avoid being buried. C) During a dragon attack, Poison has no effect. Regenerate: Count as four saves, or bring back four health of units from your dead to this location. A) Regenerate is effective during any action--including melee, magic, missiles, and saves--but not during a maneuver roll. B) Troops brought back from the dead with this power are rolled immediately and their results are counted toward the current roll. C) Regenerate never doubles it effect. It does not count as magic. C) During a dragon attack, Regenerate performs normally. Roar: During melee, choose four health of opposing units to immediately flee to their reserves. A) There is no save against the Roar's effect. B) If there is no army at the target army's reserves, the affected units form a new army. If it is the turn of the owner of the affected units, these units may take another action this round if there are marches remaining. EXAMPLE: Army A skirmishes Army B during a player's first march. During Army B's counterattack, a Roar forces units from Army A to the reserves. The acting player may elect to take a march with his reserve army, in which case he would include the recently frightened units. C) If used during a charge, the units affected by a Roar still apply their results before fleeing. D) During a dragon attack, Roar has no effect. Screech: During melee, a screech subtracts four from the opponent's saves for the purposes of routing only. A) The effect of the Screech lasts only for the immediate save roll an opponent is about to make (during a skirmish attack or counterattack) or during the opponent's current roll during a charge. B) The effect of the Screech is counted on the roll--i.e., before saves are doubled due to the effect of an Eighth Face. C) During a dragon attack, Screech has no effect. Smother: During melee, your choice of four health worth of opposing units must each roll a maneuver result or be killed. A) The affected unit(s) must be in the army already targeted during the melee action. B) During a dragon attack, Smother has no effect. Stone: During missile, inflict four damage on the target army, with no saves possible. A) Stone affects the ARMY, and is not targeted on and individual units by the monster's owner. B) The affected army must be the army already targeted during the missile action. C) The affected units must be removed before an opponent rolls for saves (as a Smite or Bullseye). D) The army's owner chooses which units are lost. E) During a dragon attack, Stone counts as four normal missile hits against the dragon. Swoop: During missile, inflict four damage on a single unit in the enemy army, with no saves possible. A) The affected unit must be in the army already targeted during the missile action. B) The monster's owner selects the target unit. B) Swoop does not count as maneuvers. C) During a dragon attack, Swoop counts as four normal missile hits against the dragon. Web: During melee, unless they immediately roll a save, four health of your choice in the opposing army are paralyzed (cannot make any further rolls) until the beginning of your next turn. A) The affected unit(s) must be in the army already targeted during the melee action. B) Poison prevents units from making any further rolls. Rolls already made (such as those during a charge) by Poisoned units still apply their results. Remember to note the rolls that Poisoned units made before rolling their saves against the Poison effect. C) Unlike Entangle, killing the monster does not negate the effects of Poison. D) During a dragon attack, Web has no effect. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Questions? Comments? Write to